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2024-03-31 06:09:14

2019–2020 Hong Kong Protests

Series of Hong Kong demonstrations
2019–2020 Hong Kong Protests
2019–2020 Hong Kong Protests
Series of Hong Kong demonstrations
The 2019–2020 Hong Kong protests were against an extradition bill. It led to massive demonstrations, demands for democracy, and clashes with police. The protests ended due to COVID-19 and a national security law.
Arrest of Joshua Wong for Alleged Involvement in Unauthorised Assembly
Joshua Wong was arrested and held for three hours on January 16, 2015, for his alleged involvement in offences related to calling for, inciting, and participating in an unauthorised assembly.
Denial of Entry into Malaysia for Joshua Wong
On May 26, 2015, Joshua Wong was denied entry into Malaysia at Penang International Airport due to being considered a threat to Malaysia's ties with China, stemming from his participation in the 2014 Hong Kong protests.
Assault on Joshua Wong and Girlfriend
On June 28, 2015, two days before a pro-democracy protest, Joshua Wong and his girlfriend were attacked by an unknown man in Mong Kok, resulting in injuries to Wong's nose and eyes, with no arrests made.
Formal Charges Against Joshua Wong by Hong Kong Department of Justice
On August 19, 2015, Joshua Wong was formally charged by the Hong Kong Department of Justice for inciting others to join an unlawful assembly and participating in an unlawful assembly, along with Alex Chow.
Start of Hong Kong Protests
The Hong Kong protests commenced with a sit-in at the government headquarters on March 15, 2019.
Hong Kong: Extradition Changes Threaten Civil Society
On March 31, 2019, the proposed extradition changes in Hong Kong were criticized for posing a threat to civil society.
Second Protest March Against Extradition Bill
The second protest march against the extradition bill in Hong Kong took place on 28 April 2019. Organizers claimed a high turnout of 130,000 participants, indicating growing opposition to the bill.
Hong Kong: Police Shouldn’t Use Excessive Force
On June 6, 2019, concerns were raised about the use of excessive force by the police in Hong Kong.
Mass Demonstration in Hong Kong
Hundreds of thousands participated in a demonstration in Hong Kong on June 9, 2019.
Preparations for 12 June Protest
A Facebook post calling for a 'picnic' at Tamar Park attracted 2,000 people, leading to tightened security measures by the police and conflicts between officers and commuters.
Protest in Hong Kong
On June 12, 2019, tens of thousands of protesters in Hong Kong faced violent crackdowns by police using tear gas, rubber bullets, pepper spray, and baton charges near government headquarters. The protesters were at risk of severe injury or death due to the excessive use of force.
Assaults on Journalists by Hong Kong Police
The Hong Kong Journalists Association accused the police of mistreating journalists during the protests, including shining flashlights at them, verbally insulting them, and causing bodily harm. Several incidents of police aggression towards journalists were reported.
Mothers' Sit-in
Mothers staged a sit-in protest in response to the events of the previous days. The sit-in aimed to show solidarity and demand accountability for the actions taken by the government and police during the protests.
Suspension of the extradition bill
Carrie Lam announced the suspension of the extradition bill following massive protests, and later apologized to the public.
Record-breaking Protest in Hong Kong
On 16 June 2019, up to 2 million people peacefully marched in the streets of Hong Kong in response to the proposed Extradition Bill.
Disclosure of Patients' Information by Legislative Councillor Pierre Chan
Legislative Councillor Pierre Chan presented a partial list of 76 patients' information from a public hospital, raising concerns over patient confidentiality. The list had a note 'for police' written on it, accusing the Hong Kong Hospital Authority of leaking data to the police.
Amnesty International Report on Police Brutality in Hong Kong Protests
Amnesty International published a report criticizing the Hong Kong police for using excessive force, including beating unresisting protesters and shooting projectiles directly at protesters' faces. The report concluded that the police violated international human rights law and standards.
Pro-Beijing Rally at Chater Garden
Hundreds of Pro-Beijing supporters gathered at Chater Garden to express support for the Hong Kong Police Force under the banner 'Support Hong Kong Police Force, Blessing to Hong Kong'.
Second Round of Blockade
Protesters staged another blockade in Hong Kong, disrupting traffic and causing further tension in the city.
G20 Summit Rallies
Protests occurred outside foreign consulates in Hong Kong during the G20 Summit, with demonstrators raising awareness and pressuring China on Hong Kong matters.
Central Harbourfront Protest
Protesters demonstrated against the Hong Kong government's plan to surrender land to the People's Liberation Army, leading to a standoff with the police.
Joshua Wong's Arrest Before Planned Demonstration
Joshua Wong was arrested on 29 August 2019, a day before a planned demonstration that did not have city approval.
Pro-Beijing Demonstration in Front of Government Headquarters
A significant demonstration organized by pro-Beijing legislator Junius Ho Kwan-yiu to show solidarity for the police and support for the extradition bill. Former police chiefs and artists also participated.
Storming of the Legislative Council
Radical protesters stormed into the Legislative Council building in Hong Kong, marking a significant escalation in the protests.
Harvard China Expert's Analysis on Hong Kong Protests
Anthony Saich, a China expert from Harvard, examined the situation in Hong Kong and the underlying reasons behind the protests in an interview with The Harvard Gazette. His analysis likely shed light on the complexities and implications of the protests.
2019 Yuen Long Attack
Following a mass protest organized by the CHRF, suspected gangsters attacked people in Yuen Long, resulting in a widespread backlash from the community.
Violence during 27 July protest
Some protesters engaged in violent actions during the protest, and police used force to try to arrest protesters, leading to condemnation by pan-democrats lawmakers.
General strike in Hong Kong
A general strike was held in Hong Kong with a significant turnout, leading to flight cancellations and disruptions.
Protester Injured in Hong Kong
On August 11, 2019, a protester in Tsim Sha Tsui suffered a ruptured eye after being shot by what seemed to be a bean bag projectile fired by the police. This incident highlighted the escalating violence and tensions in the ongoing protests.
International counsellors withdraw from IPCC
All international counsellors of the Independent Police Complaints Council withdrew from the commission in protest against collaboration with the police force, highlighting internal conflicts.
Arrest of Hong Kong activists for supporting freedoms of assembly and expression
Hong Kong activists were arrested for advocating for the rights of assembly and expression, which are considered fundamental rights. This event highlights the authoritarian tactics employed by the Chinese government in Hong Kong, marking a shift from the previous governance in the region.
Arrest of Joshua Wong and Agnes Chow
Joshua Wong and Agnes Chow were arrested for inciting and participating in an unauthorized assembly related to the 21 June siege. They were later granted bail.
Leaked Audio Recording of Carrie Lam
A leaked audio recording revealed Carrie Lam admitting she had limited room to maneuver between the Central People's Government and Hong Kong, and mentioned she would quit if given a choice.
Formal withdrawal of the extradition bill
Carrie Lam announced the formal withdrawal of the extradition bill, along with other measures, in response to ongoing protests.
Joshua Wong's Meeting with German Foreign Minister
Joshua Wong met with the German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas on 9 September. The Chinese Foreign Ministry criticized this move as disrespectful of China's sovereignty.
Joshua Wong's Participation in CECC Commission in the US Capitol
On 17 September, Joshua Wong and other student activists participated in a Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) commission in the United States Capitol. Wong urged the U.S. Congress to pass the 'Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act'.
Nancy Pelosi's Meeting with Joshua Wong
The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, met with Joshua Wong on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on 18 September. Chinese media criticized Pelosi for this meeting, accusing her of 'backing and encouraging radical activists'.
Hong Kong Protests in 2019
In September 2019, Hong Kong protesters made history with their demonstrations.
Release Supporters of Hong Kong Protests
Chinese authorities are urged to release activists detained in China for supporting the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong. Human Rights Watch calls for an end to the harassment of activists and their families for sharing protest-related information on social media.
Protests on the 70th anniversary of PRC
Mass protests and violent conflicts erupted in Hong Kong on the 70th anniversary of the People's Republic of China, leading to the first use of live rounds by police.
Hong Kong Face Mask Ban
The Hong Kong government implemented a ban on protesters wearing face masks, which was criticized by Human Rights Watch as a violation of peaceful assembly rights. The ban was justified by Chief Executive Carrie Lam as a measure to reduce violence in the region.
Enactment of emergency law to ban face masks
An emergency law from the colonial era was enacted by Carrie Lam to ban face masks in Hong Kong, sparking criticism from human rights organizations.
Protest in Hong Kong
An 80-year-old protester in Hong Kong expressed willingness to throw tear gas back at the police during a recent protest, showcasing the determination and intensity of the demonstrations.
Report on the 2019 Hong Kong Protests
Martin Purbrick published a report on the 2019 Hong Kong Protests in the Asian Affairs Journal. The report likely provided insights into the events, causes, and impacts of the protests that took place in Hong Kong during that year.
Hong Kong Police Reject Civil Human Rights Front's March Application
On October 18, 2019, the Hong Kong police denied the Civil Human Rights Front's request to hold a march against the government's mask ban scheduled for October 20. This decision added to the growing trend of authorities rejecting protest applications in Hong Kong.
Risk of Unauthorized Protests in Hong Kong
The rejection of protest applications by the Hong Kong police on October 18, 2019, led to concerns about unauthorized protests on October 20. People faced the dilemma of either refraining from expressing their opinions or participating in protests at the risk of facing police violence and legal consequences.
Withdrawal of the Bill
The controversial bill was finally withdrawn on 23 October, sparking wider protests for universal suffrage and the resignation of Carrie Lam.
Hong Kong Police Obtained Court Injunction Against Sharing Personal Information
On October 25, 2019, Hong Kong Police obtained a court injunction to prohibit the sharing of any personal information about police officers or their families, after more than 1,000 officers' personal details were leaked online.
Disqualification of Joshua Wong from District Council Elections
The Hong Kong Electoral Affairs Commission disqualified Joshua Wong, a prominent pro-democracy activist, from running in the upcoming district council elections on November 24, 2019.
Joshua Wong Barred from Elections in Hong Kong
On October 30, 2019, prominent Hong Kong democratic activist Joshua Wong was barred from participating in local elections. Wong had announced plans to contest the elections and warned that any attempt to disqualify him would only increase support for the ongoing pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong.
Standoff at universities
Police shot tear gas and rubber bullets into university campuses during a standoff with student protesters, escalating tensions.
Death of Elderly Man in Sheung Shui
An elderly man died from head injuries sustained during a violent confrontation between two groups of protesters and Sheung Shui residents.
Appointment of Correctional Services Department officers as special constables
The police appointed Correctional Services Department officers as special constables to assist them in dealing with the ongoing protests.
Police Van Accelerates into Crowd of Protesters
A police van suddenly accelerated into a crowd of protesters, causing a stampede as STS officers exiting from the van chased protesters in Yau Ma Tei on 18 November 2019.
24 November 2019 District Council election
The District Council election held on 24 November 2019 in Hong Kong was seen as a referendum on the government and the ongoing protests. The pro-democracy camp achieved a significant victory, leading to a decrease in protest intensity in the following months.
Passing of Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act by United States
The United States passed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act on 27 November 2019 in response to the movement.
China Threatens Sanctions Against Human Rights Watch
On December 3, 2019, the Chinese government was reported to have threatened to impose sanctions against Human Rights Watch and US-based pro-democracy organizations for their involvement in supporting the rights of Hong Kong protesters.
Protest Against Police's Use of Tear Gas in Hong Kong
Protesters gathered during a rally against the police's use of tear gas in Hong Kong on December 6, 2019.
First Person Jailed for Rioting in Hong Kong Protests
A 22-year-old man surnamed Sin was sentenced to four years in prison for participating in the protest, marking the first imprisonment for rioting since the protest movement began. This event highlighted the government's crackdown on dissent.
Implementation of the national security law
On 21 May 2020, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress announced the drafting of a national security law covering secession, foreign interference, terrorism, and subversion against the central government. The law was passed on 30 June, leading to a chilling effect in Hong Kong.
Approval of National Security Law for Hong Kong
The NPC approved controversial national security laws for Hong Kong, allowing the government's national security agencies to operate in the region, marking a significant shift in Hong Kong's autonomy.
Imposition of National Security Law in Hong Kong
On June 30, 2020, Beijing bypassed the Hong Kong legislature and imposed a national security law that criminalizes dissent and broadens definitions of crimes like terrorism and collusion with foreign powers. The law also allows Beijing to establish a security force in Hong Kong and influence the selection of judges.
Disqualification of pro-democratic candidates
On 30 July 2020, the Hong Kong government disqualified twelve pro-democratic candidates who had participated in historic primaries. This move was widely condemned for obstructing the democratic process.
Police Raid on Apple Daily Headquarters
Police raided the headquarters of pro-democratic newspaper Apple Daily, searching its editorial and reporters' areas. Reporters from major news outlets were rejected from entering cordoned-off areas during the operation.
Prison Sentences for Activists
Agnes Chow, Ivan Lam, and Joshua Wong received prison sentences for their roles in the siege at the Hong Kong Police Headquarters.
Capture of Hong Kong activists fleeing to Taiwan
On 23 August, twelve Hong Kong activists attempting to flee to Taiwan were captured by China's Coast Guard Bureau. They were subsequently charged with crossing the Chinese border illegally, highlighting the challenges faced by activists in Hong Kong.
End of the Timeline
2019–2020 Hong Kong Protests


2019–2020 Hong Kong Protests

Series of Hong Kong demonstrations
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2019–2020 Hong Kong Protests


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