Last Updated:
2024-02-15 06:28:14

Pope Francis

Head of the Catholic Church
Head of the Catholic Church
Pope Francis, born Jorge Mario Bergoglio, is the first Jesuit pope, hailing from Argentina. Known for his humility, mercy, and advocacy for the poor, he has modernized the papacy and promoted interreligious dialogue. He has also made progressive changes within the Church, such as advocating for the LGBT community and denouncing capitalism and climate change.
Birth of Pope Francis
Pope Francis, originally born as Jorge Mario Bergoglio, was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on December 17, 1936.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio falls sick with pneumonia
At the age of 21, Jorge Mario Bergoglio falls severely sick with pneumonia and has his right lung partially removed.
Bergoglio enters the Society of Jesus as a novice
Bergoglio decided to join the Society of Jesus and became a novice on March 11, 1958, after studying at the archdiocesan seminary in Buenos Aires.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio takes his first vows as Jesuit
On March 12, 1960, Jorge Mario Bergoglio takes his first vows as a Jesuit.
Teaching at Colegio del Salvador Secondary School
In 1966, he took up a teaching position at the prestigious Colegio del Salvador secondary school in Buenos Aires.
Ordained as a Priest
On December 13, 1969, he was ordained as a priest.
Bergoglio takes final vows as a Jesuit
On April 22, 1973, Bergoglio took his final vows as a Jesuit, including the fourth vow of obedience to missioning by the pope.
Head of Jesuits in Argentina
Pope Francis becomes the head of the Jesuits in Argentina.
Kidnapping of Jesuit Priests during Dirty War
During Argentina's Dirty War in May 1976, two Jesuit priests, Orlando Yorio and Franz Jalics, were kidnapped by the Argentine Navy. Cardinal Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, was accused of involvement in the kidnapping, but the allegations were ultimately dismissed.
Completes Doctoral Thesis in Germany
In 1986, he traveled to Germany to complete his doctoral thesis.
False Photo Allegation During Dirty War
An alleged photo of Pope Francis giving the sacramental bread to dictator Jorge Rafael Videla became popular in social networks, but was later proved to be false. The photo was actually of another priest taken in 1990, not during the Dirty War.
Appointment as Titular Bishop
On May 20, 1992, Pope Francis was appointed as the titular Bishop of Auca, a position of authority within the Catholic Church.
Ordained Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires
On June 27, 1992, he was ordained as the auxiliary bishop of Buenos Aires.
Named Coadjutor Archbishop
On June 3, 1997, he was appointed as the coadjutor archbishop.
Installed as Archbishop of Buenos Aires
On February 28, 1998, he was officially installed as the archbishop of Buenos Aires.
Appointment as Ordinary for Eastern Catholics in Argentina
On 6 November 1998, Bergoglio was named ordinary for Eastern Catholics in Argentina who did not have a prelate of their own church.
Appointment as Cardinal
Pope Francis was appointed as the Cardinal of San Roberto Ballarmino on February 21, 2001, a prestigious position within the Catholic Church hierarchy.
Bergoglio's Mass with Néstor Kirchner
During a Mass celebrated by Bergoglio, President Néstor Kirchner attended and heard Bergoglio's calls for more political dialogue and rejection of intolerance. This marked a significant interaction between the two.
Pope John Paul II's Funeral and Papal Conclave
After Pope John Paul II's death on April 2, 2005, Cardinal Bergoglio attended his funeral and was considered a potential candidate for the papacy. He participated in the 2005 papal conclave that elected Pope Benedict XVI.
Bergoglio's Call for National Reconciliation
In 2008, Bergoglio called for national reconciliation during disturbances in Argentina's agricultural regions, which was interpreted by the government as a support for anti-government demonstrators. This strained his relations with the political leadership.
Publication of 'El Jesuita'
In 2010, 'El Jesuita' (The Jesuit) was published in Spanish by Sergio Rubin and Francesca Ambrogetti, shedding light on the life of Pope Francis before he became pontiff.
Pope Benedict XVI funeral Mass presided by Pope Francis
Pope Francis leads the funeral Mass for his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, in St. Peter's Square, a rare event in the history of the papacy.
Election of Pope Francis
On March 13, 2013, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected as the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic Church, taking the papal name Pope Francis.
Personal Payment of Hotel Bill by Pope Francis
On March 14, 2013, the day after becoming pope, Pope Francis personally returns to his hotel to settle his bill and collect his belongings, showcasing his humility and simplicity.
Election of Pope Francis
Pope Francis was elected as the head of the Catholic Church on March 15, 2013.
Pope Francis explains choice of papal name
Pope Francis revealed that he chose the name in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi because of his concern for the well-being of the poor. The name 'Francis' was suggested to him by Cardinal Cláudio Hummes during the conclave.
Installation of Pope Francis
Pope Francis was officially installed as the leader of the Roman Catholic Church on March 19, 2013, succeeding Pope Benedict XVI.
Pope Francis makes plea for peace in Easter homily
During his first Easter homily, Pope Francis called for peace worldwide, particularly mentioning regions like the Middle East, Africa, and the Korean Peninsula. He emphasized the need for love over hatred, forgiveness over vengeance, and peace over war.
Pope Francis appoints José Rodríguez Carballo as secretary for the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
Pope Francis named José Rodríguez Carballo to the position of secretary for the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, which had been vacant for some time.
Pope Francis establishes Council of Cardinal Advisers
Pope Francis appointed eight cardinals to a new Council of Cardinal Advisers to assist him in restructuring the Roman Curia. The group included critics of Vatican operations and aimed to bring about organizational changes.
Canonization of Martyrs of Otranto and others
On 12 May 2013, Pope Francis presided over the first canonizations of his pontificate, including the Martyrs of Otranto and other saints. This event marked the surpassing of the record of Pope John Paul II in canonizing the most saints in a pontificate.
Release of first encyclical 'Lumen Fidei'
On June 29, 2013, the first encyclical titled 'Lumen Fidei' was released.
Election of Pope Francis
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Argentina, is elected as pope on the second day of the conclave. He becomes the first pope from the Southern Hemisphere and the first non-European elected in almost 1,300 years. Pope Francis is also the first Jesuit to be elected pope and the first member of any religious order elected in nearly two centuries.
First international visit to Brazil for World Youth Day
On July 22, 2013, Pope Francis made his first international visit to Brazil to attend World Youth Day.
Pope Francis's Comments on LGBT
During a news conference on his papal plane, Pope Francis expresses a conciliatory attitude towards LGBT individuals by saying, 'If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?' This statement is seen as a significant shift in the Catholic Church's approach to the LGBT community.
Pope Francis gives Wednesday general audience in St. Peter's Square
Pope Francis delivers a general audience in St. Peter's Square, engaging with the public and sharing his teachings and messages.
Publication of Evangelii Gaudium
Pope Francis publishes his first apostolic exhortation titled Evangelii Gaudium, outlining his vision for evangelization in the contemporary world.
Proposal to create a commemorative coin in Argentina for Pope Francis
On 28 November 2013, a proposal was made in Argentina's lower house to create a commemorative coin as a tribute to Pope Francis. The coin would feature his face and read, 'Tribute from the Argentine People to Pope Francis'.
First Consistory of Pope Francis
Pope Francis created 19 new cardinals during his first consistory, with 16 of them eligible to vote in a papal conclave. The appointees included prelates from South America, Africa, and Asia, emphasizing the peripheries.
Creation of New Vatican Body for Economic Affairs
On February 24, 2014, Pope Francis established a new body within the Vatican to oversee economic and administrative matters, aiming to streamline and coordinate these affairs.
Establishment of Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors
Pope Francis establishes the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors to safeguard the dignity of children and vulnerable individuals, particularly victims of sexual abuse.
Canonization of John XXIII and John Paul II
Pope Francis canonized his two predecessors, John XXIII and John Paul II, on 27 April 2014. This event was significant as it honored the two former popes by declaring them saints.
Pope Francis Visits the Holy Land
From May 24 to 26, 2014, Pope Francis made a historic visit to the Holy Land, becoming the first pontiff to lay a wreath at the tomb of the founder of modern Zionism. He also offered prayers at the Israeli security wall, a symbol of division and conflict in the region.
Interfaith Prayer for Peace in the Holy Land
Pope Francis, along with Israeli President Shimon Peres, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and others, gather in the Vatican Gardens for a historic event to pray for peace in the Holy Land.
Pope Francis presides over joint public wedding ceremony
On 14 September 2014, Pope Francis presided over his first joint public wedding ceremony, conducting a Nuptial Mass for 20 couples from the Archdiocese of Rome.
Restoration of Diplomatic Relations between U.S. and Cuba
Pope Francis played a crucial role in the talks that led to the restoration of full diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba, which was jointly announced by Presidents Barack Obama and Raúl Castro on 17 December 2014.
Canonization of Joseph Vaz
On 14 January 2015, Pope Francis canonized Joseph Vaz during his visit to Sri Lanka. This event recognized the life and contributions of Joseph Vaz by declaring him a saint.
Mass celebrated by Pope Francis in Manila, Philippines
Pope Francis conducts a Mass in Manila, Philippines, with a record attendance despite heavy rain, marking the end of his trip to Asia.
Second Consistory of Pope Francis
Pope Francis elevated 20 new cardinals during his second consistory, continuing to appoint cardinals from the peripheries like Myanmar and Tonga.
Announcement of Jubilee Year of Mercy
On March 13, 2015, the Jubilee Year of Mercy was announced to take place from December 8, 2015, until November 20, 2016. It was a special year declared by the Pope for Catholics to focus on forgiveness and compassion.
Pope Francis visits Naples, Italy, to combat corruption and organized crime
Pope Francis travels to Naples to demonstrate the Church's dedication to fighting corruption and organized crime in the city.
First Canonizations under Pope Francis
Pope Francis carried out his first canonizations, including the first Colombian saint, Laura of Saint Catherine of Siena, the second female Mexican saint, María Guadalupe García Zavala, and the 813 15th-century Martyrs of Otranto.
Publication of the encyclical Laudato Si' by Pope Francis
Pope Francis releases the encyclical Laudato Si', focusing on the Church's mission to combat global warming and promote environmental care.
Visit to Sarajevo
On 6 June 2015, Pope Francis visited Sarajevo, urging peace in the religiously diverse city known as the 'Jerusalem of Europe'.
Pope Francis addresses the public at a general audience in St. Peter's Square
Pope Francis speaks to the public during a Wednesday general audience at St. Peter's Square, emphasizing his views on various issues.
Release of encyclical 'Laudato Si'
Pope Francis released the first papal document dedicated to the environment, urging world leaders to pay attention to the cries of the earth and the poor.
The Pope Francis Center for the Poor - Palo, Leyte
The Philippines established The Pope Francis Center for the Poor in Palo, Leyte on 12 July 2015.
Pope Francis visits Cuba and the United States
Pope Francis embarked on his first visit to the United States, where he traveled to Cuba before heading to Washington, D.C., New York, and Philadelphia. During his visit, he addressed Congress, the United Nations, and the World Meeting of Families, canonized St. Junipero Serra, and paid a visit to the 9/11 memorial in New York.
Pope Francis visits the United States
Pope Francis embarks on his first papal visit to the United States, addressing a joint session of Congress in Washington, D.C. He calls for lawmakers to prioritize the common good and canonizes St. Junípero Serra. Additionally, he participates in the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia.
Address to the United Nations
On 25 September 2015, Pope Francis addressed the United Nations in New York City, advocating for peace and global cooperation.
Pope Francis' Visit to the United States
On September 26-27, 2015, Pope Francis visited the United States, making historic stops in Washington D.C., New York City, and Philadelphia, engaging with various communities and addressing important issues.
Second Synod on the Family begins
Pope Francis initiates the second Synod on the Family to discuss contemporary family issues like single-parent households, cohabitation, poverty, and abuse, highlighting the need for addressing these challenges within the modern family structure.
Canonization of St. Louis Martin and St. Marie-Azélie Guérin
The pope officially declares St. Louis Martin and St. Marie-Azélie Guérin as saints. They were a married couple who were the parents of five nuns, including St. Therese of Lisieux. They are the first married couple to be canonized together.
Wake Up! Music Album Release
The music album 'Wake Up!' featuring speeches by Pope Francis and accompanying music, including rock music, was released on 27 November 2015.
Pope Francis opens the holy door of the Bangui cathedral
Pope Francis opened the holy door of the Bangui cathedral in the Central African Republic to mark the beginning of his yearlong Jubilee of Mercy.
Pope Francis discusses reform efforts in an interview with La Nacion
Pope Francis talks about facing resistance to his reform attempts within the Roman Curia during an interview with La Nacion, emphasizing the importance of open dialogue.
Opening of Holy Doors and Doors of Mercy
The Holy Doors of the major basilicas of Rome were opened, along with special 'Doors of Mercy' at cathedrals worldwide, allowing faithful to earn indulgences through prayer, confession, and communion. Special 24-hour penance services were held during Lent, and 'Missionaries of Mercy' were appointed to forgive severe sins.
Pope Francis celebrates Mass in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico
Pope Francis celebrated Mass in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, which borders El Paso, Texas. Hundreds of thousands of people attended the Mass, including faithful on both sides of the border.
Historic Meeting between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill
On February 13, 2016, Pope Francis made history by becoming the first pope to meet with the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, in Havana, Cuba. The meeting symbolized a significant step towards unity between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches.
Pope Francis at General Audience in St. Peter’s Square
Pope Francis appeared at the General Audience in St. Peter’s Square on February 24, 2016.
Publication of Amoris Laetitia by Pope Francis
Pope Francis releases the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia, addressing various modern family issues based on discussions from synods. Controversy arises, especially in Chapter 8 regarding Communion for the divorced and remarried.
Maundy Thursday mass with refugees
On Maundy Thursday in March 2016, Pope Francis washed the feet of refugees, including Muslim, Christian, and Hindu asylum seekers, at a shelter in Castelnuovo di Porto, outside Rome. This act symbolized his broad ministry that aims to include non-Catholic Christians and even non-Christians.
Francis urges acceptance in family life document
In a document on family life, Pope Francis encouraged priests to be more inclusive towards divorced or remarried Catholics, single parents, and LGBT individuals, while maintaining the traditional stance against same-sex marriage.
Visit to Moria Refugee Camp
Together with other Christian leaders, Pope Francis visited the Moria Refugee Camp on the Greek island of Lesbos in April 2016 to draw attention to the refugee crisis.
Order of the Smile
Poland awarded Pope Francis with the Order of the Smile on 26 April 2016.
Canonization of Maria Elisabeth Hesselblad and Stanislaus Papczyński
Pope Francis canonized Maria Elisabeth Hesselblad and Stanislaus Papczyński on 5 June 2016. This event highlighted the recognition of these individuals' holiness and contributions to the Catholic Church.
Pope Francis visits Krakow, Poland for World Youth Day
Pope Francis visited Krakow, Poland as part of the World Youth Day festivities where about 3 million young Catholic pilgrims attended.
Canonization of St. Teresa of Calcutta
Pope Francis canonized St. Teresa of Calcutta, also known as Mother Teresa, who dedicated her life to missionary and charity work, primarily in India.
Pope Francis visits Georgia and Azerbaijan
Pope Francis visited Georgia and Azerbaijan focusing on Catholic relations with Orthodox Christians and Muslims.
Pope Francis visits Amatrice, Italy after earthquake
Pope Francis made a surprise visit to Amatrice, Italy to pray for the victims of an earthquake that killed nearly 300 people.
Third Consistory of Pope Francis
Pope Francis elevated 17 new cardinals during his third consistory, focusing on Asia and Africa, while also naming the first three American cardinals of his papacy.
Establishment of World Day of the Poor
Pope Francis established the World Day of the Poor through his Apostolic Letter, Misericordia et Misera, to mark the end of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy.
Controversy over communion for divorced and remarried Catholics
At the end of 2016, controversy arose when four cardinals formally asked Pope Francis for clarifications, particularly regarding the issue of giving communion to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics.
Pope Francis Addresses Clergy Sexual Abuse
Pope Francis urges bishops to have zero tolerance for clergy who sexually abuse children in a letter. He asks for forgiveness for the shameful sin committed by some members of the clergy.
Pope Francis visits Fatima, Portugal
Pope Francis traveled to Fatima, Portugal to visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima on the 100th anniversary of the first Marian apparition to three children in the city.
Canonization of two child visionaries Francisco and Jacinta Marto
During his visit to Fátima in mid-2017, Pope Francis canonized the two child visionaries Francisco and Jacinta Marto. This event honored the young saints who reported apparitions of the Virgin Mary.
Meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump
On 24 May 2017, Pope Francis met with U.S. President Donald Trump in Vatican City, discussing various global issues including climate change, terrorism, and humanitarian efforts.
Cardinal George Pell charged with historical sex crimes
Cardinal George Pell, appointed as Vatican economy minister by Pope Francis, is charged with multiple historical sex crimes in Australia. He was initially convicted in December 2018, but later found not guilty in April 2020 on appeal.
Francis replaces top theologian in Catholicism
Pope Francis replaces Catholicism's top theologian, a conservative German cardinal who clashed with the pontiff's vision of a more inclusive Church, in a major shake-up.
New Category of Christian Life for Sainthood
Pope Francis introduces a new category for sainthood called 'offering of life,' distinct from martyrdom, to honor those who died prematurely by offering their life to God and neighbor.
First World Day of the Poor
Pope Francis celebrates the first-ever World Day of the Poor by sharing a meal with 4,000 poor and people in need in Rome.
Pope Francis Visits Myanmar and Bangladesh
Pope Francis embarks on a trip to Myanmar and Bangladesh, engaging with government officials, Catholic clergy, and Buddhist monks to promote peace and preach the Gospel.
Signing of apostolic constitution Veritatis gaudium
On December 8, 2017, Pope Francis signed a new apostolic constitution on ecclesiastical universities and faculties called Veritatis gaudium.
Pope's Visit to Chile and Peru
The pope visits Chile and Peru, meeting with government officials and clergy members. He encourages the faithful to stay connected with the clergy and reject secularism. The visit to Chile sparks controversy due to clergy sex abuse scandals.
Publication of apostolic exhortation Gaudete et exsultate
On January 29, 2018, Pope Francis published the Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et exsultate, focusing on the call to holiness in today's world for all individuals.
Pope Francis sends top sexual abuse expert to Chile
Shortly after supporting a Chilean bishop accused of sexual crimes against minors, Pope Francis dispatches a leading expert on sexual abuse to investigate the situation. In April, he acknowledges making serious errors in managing the crisis and seeks forgiveness.
Pope Francis Washes the Feet of Prisoners on Holy Thursday
Pope Francis visited a maximum security prison to celebrate Holy Thursday Mass and washed the feet of 12 prisoners, including women and a Muslim man. This tradition of foot-washing includes Catholics and non-Catholics, men and women, particularly those who are marginalized.
Chile's bishops offer to resign after meeting with Pope Francis
In an unprecedented development, all bishops of Chile volunteer to step down following a crisis meeting with Pope Francis. Over the following months, the Pope accepts the resignation of many bishops.
Fifth Consistory of Pope Francis
Pope Francis elevated 14 new cardinals during his fifth consistory, continuing to appoint cardinals from the peripheries and making significant appointments within the Vatican hierarchy.
Vatican Revises Catechism on Death Penalty
The Vatican officially revises No. 2267 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church regarding the death penalty. The revision declares the death penalty as 'inadmissible,' overturning previous suggestions of its permissibility in certain cases.
Archbishop Carlo Viganò's Letter
Archbishop Carlo Viganò, former papal nuncio to the US, releases an 11-page letter demanding Pope Francis' resignation. He accuses the pope and other Vatican officials of concealing sexual abuse, including allegations against former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. The pope eventually denies prior knowledge of McCarrick's actions.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano accuses Pope Francis
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano accuses Pope Francis of being aware of sex abuse allegations against Cardinal McCarrick for years and suggests that Francis should resign. Later, the Vatican accuses Vigano of making false and defamatory statements.
Vatican signs agreement on bishop appointments in China
The Vatican signs a significant agreement with China, allowing it a role in the selection of bishops. However, critics criticize the deal, claiming it compromises the Vatican's stance against the Communist government.
Canonization of Pope Paul VI and Óscar Romero
On 14 October 2018, Pope Francis recognized seven saints, including his predecessor Pope Paul VI and Óscar Romero. This event highlighted the importance of these figures in the Catholic Church.
Third World Youth Day in Panama City
The third World Youth Day during Pope Francis’ pontificate takes place in Panama City, Panama, with approximately 3 million young Catholics from around the world in attendance.
Pope Francis signs Document on Human Fraternity
Pope Francis signs a joint document with Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb in Abu Dhabi titled the 'Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together' focusing on unity among people of different faiths.
Pope Francis Visits Abu Dhabi
In February 2019, Pope Francis visited Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, becoming the first pope to hold a papal Mass on the Arabian Peninsula with over 120,000 attendees. He emphasized the plight of refugees and migrants in his pastoral work.
Pope opens meeting on child sex abuse
Pope Francis initiated a four-day meeting with Catholic leaders worldwide to address the issue of child sex abuse within the Church. He emphasized the need for practical and effective actions to combat this problem.
Pope kisses feet of South Sudan leaders
Pope Francis met with the leaders of South Sudan, who were previously engaged in conflict, and made a symbolic gesture by kissing their feet. He urged them to maintain peace and avoid a return to civil war.
Promulgation of motu proprio Vos estis lux mundi
On May 9, 2019, Pope Francis promulgated the motu proprio Vos estis lux mundi, specifying responsibilities in reporting clergy abuse directly to the Holy See.
Pope asks forgiveness for mistreatment of Roma people in Romania
During a visit to Romania, the Pope publicly seeks forgiveness on behalf of the Catholic Church for the historical mistreatment of the Roma people.
Consistory for the Appointment of 13 New Cardinals
Pope Francis appointed 13 new cardinals, emphasizing the peripheries and developing countries, including nominees from Muslim majority countries and those known for their work on refugee and migration issues.
Pope Francis procession during the Amazon synod
Pope Francis participated in a procession during the Amazon synod at the Vatican. The synod focused on issues related to the Amazon region and indigenous communities, reflecting the Pope's commitment to environmental and social justice.
Canonization of Cardinal John Henry Newman
Francis canonized five new saints on 13 October 2019, including Cardinal John Henry Newman. This event recognized the holiness and contributions of Cardinal Newman to the Catholic Church.
Conservative Catholic activists steal Amazonian Indigenous statues
In October 2019, Conservative Catholic activists stole three Amazonian Indigenous statues from a Vatican-area church and threw them in the Tiber River, claiming they were pagan idols. This act, known as the 'Pachamama' stunt, highlighted the conservative opposition to Pope Francis.
Pope Francis declares possession of nuclear weapons as immoral
On November 24, 2019, while standing at the memorial to victims of the U.S. atomic bombing in Hiroshima, Japan, Pope Francis declared that not only the use but the mere possession of nuclear weapons is 'immoral'. This statement marked a significant shift in the Catholic Church's stance on nuclear deterrence.
Pope Francis hospitalized for precautionary testing
Pope Francis visits the hospital for tests after falling ill with the flu, leading to the cancellation of his upcoming trip to the COP28 climate conference in Dubai.
Pope dismisses proposal on ordination of married men in the Amazon
In a move seen as a victory for conservative clergy, the Pope rejects a proposal to allow the ordination of some married men in remote areas of the Amazon.
Pope Cancels Public Appearances Due to COVID-19
On March 7, the Pope cancels all regular public appearances and planned trips due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This decision is made to ensure the safety of the public and prevent the spread of the virus.
Pope Francis pilgrimage to chapel of the crucifix in Rome
Pope Francis takes a walking pilgrimage in Rome to the chapel of the crucifix, praying for an end to the COVID-19 pandemic. The crucifix was carried through Rome during the plague of 1522.
Creation of Vatican COVID-19 Commission
Pope Francis tasked the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development to form a Vatican COVID-19 Commission to address the socio-economic challenges arising from the pandemic.
Pope Francis Global Summit on Child Protection and Abuse
Pope Francis organized a global summit at the Vatican to address child protection and abuse issues, gathering around 200 church leaders, including bishops, Eastern Catholic church heads, religious order superiors, abuse survivors, and Roman Curia officials. The summit featured a penitential liturgy.
Pope Fires Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu
On September 24, the Pope dismisses Italian Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu from a powerful Vatican post, citing allegations of embezzlement and nepotism. Becciu denies the accusations against him.
Publication of apostolic letter Scripturae sacrae affectus
On September 30, 2020, Pope Francis published the apostolic letter Scripturae sacrae affectus to commemorate the 16th centenary of the death of Jerome.
Publication of encyclical Fratelli tutti
On October 4, 2020, Pope Francis released the encyclical Fratelli tutti, focusing on fraternity and social friendship, inspired by St. Francis of Assisi's teachings.
Pope Francis writes op-ed for The New York Times
On 26 November 2020, Pope Francis became the first pope to write an op-ed for The New York Times, addressing issues such as the coronavirus pandemic and global solidarity. He also critiqued those protesting COVID-19 restrictions.
Creation of 13 New Cardinals by Pope Francis
Pope Francis created 13 new cardinals, appointing the first cardinals to represent Brunei and Rwanda, as well as the first African American cardinal and other significant nominations.
Publication of apostolic letter Patris corde
On December 8, 2020, Pope Francis published the apostolic letter Patris corde, declaring a 'Year of Saint Joseph' from 2020 to 2021.
Pope Francis Allows Women to Serve in Church Roles
Pope Francis makes a significant change in Church law by allowing women to serve as readers at liturgies, altar servers, and distributors of communion, promoting greater equality for women in the Roman Catholic Church.
Pope Francis delivers 'urbi et orbi' blessing during pandemic
During the coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis prayed and delivered an extraordinary blessing known as 'urbi et orbi' (to the city and the world) from St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican. The event took place during an evening prayer service with St. Peter’s Square empty and the service livestreamed.
Pope Francis delivers 'urbi et orbi' blessing during pandemic
During the coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis prayed and delivered an extraordinary blessing known as 'urbi et orbi' (to the city and the world) from St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican. The event took place during an evening prayer service with St. Peter’s Square empty and the service livestreamed.
Pope Francis Calls for Peace in Israel-Palestine Conflict
On 9 May 2021, Pope Francis urged for peace between Israel and Palestinians and an end to clashes in Jerusalem during his address.
Publication of apostolic constitution Pascite gregem Dei
On June 1, 2021, Pope Francis published the apostolic constitution Pascite gregem Dei, focusing on pastoral care for the people of God.
Pope Francis undergoes abdominal surgery
Pope Francis announces that he will undergo abdominal surgery due to a hernia causing painful symptoms. He also mentions his intention to publish an apostolic letter on St. Thérèse of Lisieux.
Pope Francis released from Gemelli Hospital
After a successful surgery and a week of recovery, Pope Francis is released from Gemelli Hospital.
Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu indicted in Vatican court
Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu, elevated to the College of Cardinals by Pope Francis, is indicted in a Vatican court for embezzlement, money laundering, and other crimes. The pope gives approval for the indictment.
Pope Francis visits Iraq
Pope Francis visited Iraq amidst ongoing sporadic violence and the COVID-19 pandemic. During his visit, he honored those who remained faithful and contributed to the country's rebuilding efforts.
Pope Francis Restricts Latin Mass
In a move that surprises conservatives, Pope Francis reverses the decisions of his predecessors and reinstates restrictions on the old-style Latin Mass favored by traditionalist Catholics.
Pope Francis Defends Dialogue with China
On 1 September 2021, Pope Francis publicly defended the dialogue with China on the appointment of new bishops, emphasizing the importance of communication even in strained ties.
US President Biden Meets Pope Francis
Following a meeting with the Pope, President Joe Biden reveals that the pontiff acknowledged him as a 'good Catholic' who is eligible to receive communion. This declaration further highlights the divide between Biden and conservative church leaders.
Pope Francis Visits War Cemetery in Rome
On All Souls' Day in 2021, Pope Francis visited a war cemetery in Rome, paying tribute to fallen soldiers of World War I and World War II, while advocating for global peace.
Opposition to Death Penalty in Vatican Ambassadors Speech
On 9 January 2022, Pope Francis stated in his annual speech to Vatican ambassadors that the death penalty does not serve justice, is not a deterrent, and only fuels vengeance, emphasizing its non-employment for state justice.
Pope Francis visits StereoSound record store
Pope Francis makes a surprise visit to a record store in Rome called StereoSound, blessing the newly renovated store. The pope, known for his love of classical music, interacts with the staff and customers.
Pope Visits Russian Embassy to Vatican
In a departure from tradition, the Pope makes a personal visit to the Russian embassy in Vatican to express his worries about Russia's invasion of Ukraine. He continues to advocate for peace and becomes more vocal in criticizing Moscow for their actions.
Pope Francis promulgates Praedicate Evangelium
Pope Francis promulgates Praedicate Evangelium, a document reforming the Roman Curia. The reforms focus on evangelization and increasing lay leadership roles within the Church.
Melitopol Mayor Attends Easter Services with Pope Francis
On 16 April 2022, Melitopol mayor Ivan Fedorov attended Easter services in the Vatican with Pope Francis, along with Ukrainian politicians, fostering unity and solidarity.
Pope Francis begins using a wheelchair more frequently
Pope Francis is seen in a wheelchair for the first time in public and starts using it more often due to knee problems.
Apology for Canadian Indigenous Residential Schools
On 24 July 2022, Pope Francis began an apostolic journey to Canada, expressing sorrow and shame over the church's role in the abuse of indigenous children in residential schools, promising a thorough investigation into the history of abuse.
Pope Francis Apologizes to Indigenous Peoples in Canada
On 25 July 2022, at the Cree Nation reservation in Edmonton, Canada, Pope Francis expressed deep sorrow for the mistreatment of Indigenous peoples by Christians, seeking forgiveness and reconciliation.
Pope Francis apologizes to Indigenous groups in Canada
Pope Francis visited Lac Saint Anne in Canada and apologized to the country's Indigenous groups for the abuses and cultural destruction they suffered at Catholic Church-run residential schools.
Pope Francis greets the crowd in a wheelchair
Pope Francis greeted the crowd in a wheelchair at the end of his general audience.
Francis comments on Darya Dugina's killing
On 24 August 2022, Pope Francis described the killing of Darya Dugina in the context of the Russo-Ukrainian War, sparking controversy and differing views on the victim's role.
Francis appeals to Putin and Zelenskyy
On 2 October 2022, Pope Francis directly addressed Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, urging for peace and serious peace proposals to end the spiral of violence and death in Ukraine.
Pope Francis bids farewell to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
Pope Francis presides over the funeral of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in St. Peter’s Square, marking the end of an unprecedented chapter in the history of the Catholic Church. Benedict's resignation in 2013 paved the way for Francis' election.
Pope Francis visits the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan
Pope Francis travels to the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan, condemns political violence, promotes peace, and participates in an ecumenical prayer service.
10th Anniversary of Francis' Pontificate
On March 6, 2023, the 10th anniversary of Pope Francis' pontificate was marked, emphasizing his outward-facing approach that has brought significant changes to the Catholic Church.
Pope Francis hospitalized for respiratory infection
Pope Francis is admitted to Rome's Gemelli Hospital for a respiratory infection. During his hospital stay, he visits the pediatric cancer ward and performs a baptism for a newborn baby.
Pope Francis appears in Disney documentary
Pope Francis is featured in the Disney documentary 'The Pope: Answers,' where he addresses six important issues raised by Gen Z individuals in Spanish. The topics include immigration, depression, abortion, clergy abuse, transgenderism, pornography, and loss of faith.
Inclusion of Women Voters at Synod of Bishops
On 26 April 2023, Pope Francis announced that 35 women would be allowed to vote at the Synod of Bishops, marking a historic moment as the first time women are granted voting rights at a Catholic Synod of Bishops.
Pope Francis visits Hungary
Pope Francis travels to Hungary to engage with various groups including government officials, civil society members, bishops, priests, seminarians, Jesuits, and pastoral workers. He concludes the visit by celebrating Mass in Kossuth Lajos Square.
Pope Francis holds Mass in Budapest
Pope Francis conducts a public outdoor Mass on an altar outside the Parliament Building in Budapest's Kossuth Lajos' Square during his visit to Hungary.
Pope Francis travels to Lisbon for World Youth Day 2023
Pope Francis visits Lisbon, Portugal to attend World Youth Day 2023. He meets with Church and civil leaders, presides over welcoming Mass and Stations of the Cross, hears confessions of pilgrims, and visits the Shrine of Our Lady of Fátima.
Pope Francis visits the Shrine of Our Lady of Fátima
Pope Francis visits the Shrine of Our Lady of Fátima in Portugal, where he prays the rosary with young people with disabilities.
Pope Francis celebrates the closing Mass of World Youth Day 2023
Pope Francis presides over the closing Mass of World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. He urges the 1.5 million young people present to 'be not afraid,' echoing the words of St. John Paul II.
Pope Francis visits Mongolia
Pope Francis travels to Mongolia, becoming the first pope to visit the country. He meets with local priests and religious in Ulaanbaatar's Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul.
Pope Francis Moment of Silence at Memorial in Marseille
Pope Francis requests a moment of silence at a memorial in Marseille, France, dedicated to sailors and migrants lost at sea during his two-day visit. The memorial includes a Camargue cross symbolizing the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity.
Commencement of Synod on Synodality
On 4 October 2023, Pope Francis convened the Synod on synodality, described as a significant event in the Church and a culmination of his papacy, focusing on collaborative decision-making.
Pope Francis at Synod on Synodality Closing Mass
Pope Francis participates in the closing Mass of the Synod on Synodality at St. Peter’s Basilica, part of a global assembly initiated by him in 2021 to strengthen the Church's communion, participation, and mission. The second global assembly is scheduled for October 2024.
Rejection of Blessings for Same-Sex Couples in Africa
Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu announced on 11 January 2024 that all episcopal conferences in Africa, represented in SECAM, would reject blessings for same-sex couples as proposed in the Fiducia supplicans declaration, citing concerns about scandal.
Pope Francis discusses sex and pornography
Pope Francis talked about sex at his weekly general audience, highlighting the negative impact of pornography on relationships and emphasizing the importance of love in human experiences.
Pope Francis canonizes María Antonia of St. Joseph
Pope Francis canonizes María Antonia of St. Joseph, also known as 'Mama Antula', in a Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica. The ceremony is attended by Argentine president Javier Milei.
Pope Francis meets with Argentina President Javier Milei
Pope Francis holds a private audience with Argentine President Javier Milei at the Vatican.
Pope Francis celebrates 11 years as Supreme Pontiff
On March 13, 2024, Pope Francis marks his 11th anniversary as the Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church.
End of the Timeline
Pope Francis


Pope Francis

Head of the Catholic Church
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