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2024-09-22 08:20:01

Standard Model

Theory of fundamental forces and particles
Theory of fundamental forces and particles

The Standard Model describes fundamental forces and particles, developed in the 20th century. It predicts properties accurately but falls short in explaining certain phenomena like dark matter and neutrino oscillations.

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Yang Chen-Ning and Robert Mills extend gauge theory to nonabelian groups

In 1954, Yang Chen-Ning and Robert Mills expanded the concept of gauge theory from abelian groups to nonabelian groups, specifically for explaining strong interactions.

Chien-Shiung Wu demonstrates non-conservation of parity in weak interaction

Chien-Shiung Wu's 1957 experiment showed that parity was not conserved in the weak interaction, challenging previous assumptions.

Sheldon Glashow unifies electromagnetic and weak interactions

In 1961, Sheldon Glashow combined the electromagnetic and weak interactions, laying the foundation for the electroweak theory.

Discovery of the Higgs Boson

The Higgs boson was proposed in 1964 as a crucial element in the Standard Model of particle physics, explaining the origin of mass for other elementary particles.

Introduction of Quark Color Charge

In 1965, O.W. Greenberg, M.Y. Han, and Yoichiro Nambu introduced the concept of quark property known as color charge, which is a fundamental aspect of the strong force in particle physics.

Proposal of Electroweak Interaction Theory

In 1967, Steven Weinberg and Abdus Salam separately proposed a theory that unified electromagnetic and weak interactions into the electroweak interaction. Their theory introduced the existence of a neutral, weakly interacting boson (Z0) and predicted the presence of an additional massive boson.

Discovery of quarks through deep inelastic scattering experiments at SLAC

In 1968, deep inelastic scattering experiments at Stanford University's SLAC revealed that the proton is composed of smaller, point-like objects, later identified as up and down quarks. This discovery challenged the notion of the proton as an elementary particle and led to the identification of quarks as fundamental constituents of hadrons.

Formation of the Standard Model

Over the last thirty years from the mid-1960's, the theory known as the Standard Model of particles and interactions has evolved and gained widespread acceptance with the support of new evidence.

Discovery of Fourth Type of Quark in Standard Model

Sheldon Glashow, John Iliopoulos, and Luciano Maiani recognize the critical importance of a fourth type of quark in the context of the Standard Model, allowing a theory with specific weak interactions.

Discovery of the J/psi Particle

In November 1974, Burton Richter and Samuel Ting independently announced the discovery of the same new particle on the same day. Ting's team at Brookhaven named it the 'J' particle, while Richter's team at SLAC named it the 'psi' particle.

Discovery of Tau Lepton

Martin Lewis Perl and colleagues detect the tau lepton in a series of experiments, expanding the understanding of lepton particles.

Discovery of D0 Meson

In 1976, Gerson Goldhaber and Francois Pierre discovered the D0 meson, which consists of anti-up and charm quarks. The theoretical predictions aligned closely with experimental results, providing evidence for the Standard Model.

Discovery of Bottom Quark

In 1977, Leon Lederman and his team at Fermilab discovered the bottom quark along with its antiquark. This finding provided further evidence for the existence of quarks and fueled the search for the sixth quark, known as the top quark.

Observation of Z0 Mediated Weak Interaction

In 1978, Charles Prescott and Richard Taylor observed a Z0 mediated weak interaction during the scattering of polarized electrons from deuterium. This experiment demonstrated a violation of parity conservation, in line with the predictions of the Standard Model.

Violation of Parity Conservation

In 1979, polarized electrons from deuterium showed a violation of parity conservation, confirming the prediction of the Standard Model.

Discovery of W and Z Bosons

Carlo Rubbia and Simon van der Meer discover the W and Z bosons, crucial carriers of the weak force in the Standard Model of particle physics.

Introduction to Elementary Particles

A book by D.J. Griffiths published in 1987 providing an introduction to elementary particles, which are the building blocks of the universe according to the Standard Model.

Discovery of top quark at Fermilab

In 1995, the CDF and D0 experiments at Fermilab discovered the top quark after eighteen years of searching at various accelerators. The top quark was found at an unexpected mass of 175 GeV.

Search for Proton Decay through p → νK+

In 1999, a search for proton decay through the process p → νK+ was conducted using a Large Water Cherenkov Detector.

Introduction to the Standard Model

In 2000, S.F. Novaes provided an introduction to the Standard Model in a publication.

The Universe Is A Strange Place

F. Wilczek's paper titled 'The Universe Is A Strange Place' was published in 2004 in Nuclear Physics B: Proceedings Supplements.

The Theory of Almost Everything: The Standard Model

A book by R. Oerter published in 2006 that discusses the Standard Model, a fundamental theory in particle physics that describes the electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear interactions.

The Standard Model and Beyond

Paul Langacker authored a book in 2009 called 'The Standard Model and Beyond' which delves into group-theoretical aspects of the Standard Model.

Particle Physics: Standard Model, Leonard Susskind lectures

Leonard Susskind gave lectures on Particle Physics and the Standard Model in 2010.

Discovery of the Higgs Boson

In 2012, the Higgs boson was discovered at the Large Hadron Collider, confirming its existence as the final fundamental particle predicted by the Standard Model.

Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to François Englert and Peter Higgs

François Englert and Peter Higgs were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles, which was confirmed through the discovery of the predicted fundamental particle by experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider.

Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model

Matthew D. Schwartz published a book in 2014 titled 'Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model' at Cambridge University, focusing on the relationship between quantum field theory and the Standard Model.

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Standard Model
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